
Waterfall Chart

Waterfall charts are charts that help understanding the cumulative impact of positive or negative values applied in a sequence. It is used for instance to detail a cost structure or the allocation of a revenue. You can easily create and update…

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Color Maps

Create maps and color them automatically with data from an Excel sheet, using a adequate color within a continuous color gradient, depending on the data value. You can use the maps provided with the Powertivity app, but also create your…

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Spider Chart

Spider charts are charts showing multi-variate data in a circular manner. It is used for instance to detail a multi-dimensional assessment. It is also known as web chart, star chart, star plot, cobweb chart, irregular polygon, polar chart, or Kiviat diagram.…

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Word Cloud

A Word Cloud is a graphical representation of words, usually associated to the frequency of each one (more frequent words are shown bigger). It is useful to convey a non-analytical message, and to support a discussion around imagination and semantic. You can…

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Harvey Balls

Harvey balls are graphical icons (looking as small pies) commonly used to show qualitative assessments, in a scale from 0 (empty pie) to 4 (full pie). They are commonly used in comparisons to indicate how an item meets a given criterion.…

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