
Mark-up Review

With this feature, you can easily track the modifications of your presentation since your last reference creation. People collaborating with you won’t need to have the Powertivity app, won’t be able to alter your markup display, and may not know…

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Automatic Language

Change in one click the review language of all your presentation. You can easily configure the two languages that you use most frequently. You can memorize the language of a given presentation once for all. The language will be checked…

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Reference Slides

Ever dreamt of having all your reference slides at your fingertips? And in practice had to endlessly dig in previous presentations to find those back? Save your reference slides (key slides) with one click. Select and insert them back easily…

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Create and maintain a planning (aka Gantt chart) on a slide, inserting tasks, sub tasks, events, current date… When you update the displayed time-range, all the items (tasks, sub tasks, events) will be moved accordingly.

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Work Dispatch

Identify in your presentations the responsible (person or organization) in charge of completing selected sections (e.g. slides, shapes, table cells). Send to each of the contributors sub-presentations containing exclusively what they need to complete or update. Aggregate back the various…

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Table of Content

Generate automatically Table-of-Content slides (or ToC) that will separate sub-sections of your presentation. Update them automatically across your presentation, and avoid lengthy modifications each time for instance you refine one of the sections item!

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